The Training Workshop on Open Source Software for Learning Management System (OSSLMS 2017) has been designed as an interactive training where the participants will carry out a number of training activities rather than passively listening to lectures or presentations. The main objective of this course is to provide the teachers of colleges to have a firsthand experience in application of advances in the teaching-learning management using the information and communication technologies that are being used by everybody. Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE) is an open source software that can help the teachers in providing effective learning environment to the students of any level and any discipline. However, there is certain minimal know-how that the teachers must acquire to use this open source software. This course aims at enabling the college teachers teaching any subject at college level to use this advanced tool available in the internet. Thus the teachers participating in this Training Workshop will be able to use MOODLE, which is a course management system designed to help educators who want to create quality courses that the students can access through internet. The software is being used all over the world by universities, schools, companies and independent teachers. Through this workshop it is envisaged to empower our teachers working in remote areas and working with minimal facilities.

The workshop will also cover the pedagogic principles for effective teaching-learning. The participating teachers will be able to incorporate these principles in MOODLE for developing a learning management system to ensure learning outcome of the students they teach.


By the end of the training workshop, the participants will know:

·         how to Configure MOODLE Server

·         how to define learning outcomes and publish through MOODLE

·         how to design interfacing page of MOODLE manipulating blocks: adding, moving, editing, and deleting of blocks

·         how to interact with students through MOODLE: providing learning materials, lessons, online quizzes, self-assessment quizzes for the students

·         how to initiate group learning through MOODLE

·         how to engage students in participating in learning forums through announcements, polls, emails, and chat

·         how to create and grade quizzes and assignments

·         how to work with the MOODLE gradebook